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Address: 132 Providence Ave SW | New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Phone: 330-364-0725
Fax: 330-364-0730
tag line South Elementary

Welcome Back 2023-2024

Dear South Families,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! I am so excited to welcome our second and third graders to South Elementary.  Our staff is working hard to get ready for an exciting school year! Our first day of school will be Tuesday, August 22, 2023. Please see the details listed below regarding the upcoming school year:  

Daily Schedule
School is in session from 9:00 am to 3:45 pm.  Elementary doors open at 8:30 am and the tardy bell rings at 9:15am.  Your child will eat lunch between 11:45-12:45.

Parent Portal
Parent Portal will be open and ready for completion on Wednesday, August 9, 2023.  Please be sure and make the updates to your child’s account.  This is the only way you will be able to see your student’s teacher.  If you are in need of assistance with your account, there will be a Parent Portal help session on Monday, August 14th at New Philadelphia High School from 10:00 am-12:00 pm and 5:30 pm-6:30 pm.  Please enter through door #1

Free & Reduced Lunch
Families wishing to apply for free or reduced lunch need to fill out an application.  The application can be found in the Payschools link on the district website under the Parent’s tab.  If you are in need of a paper application, please contact our school office at 330-364-0725.

“Back to School” Night
Our Back to School Night will be held on Monday, August 21 from 5:30-6:30 pm.  On Back to School Night, families will have the opportunity to tour the building, meet their teacher, and drop off school supplies.  (Please note that Parent Portal MUST be completed prior to attending Back to School Night)

School Supply List
Please see the South Elementary page on the district website for supply lists for this school year.

School Transportation/Bussing
The School Board Policy for students who qualify for school transportation is as follows:  Students in grades K-12 who reside with their parent/legal guardian and live 1 mile or further qualify for bussing.  Students are bussed from their neighborhood building to the appropriate grade level building.  If your child will be riding a bus to South, they MUST be at their neighborhood building by 8:30 am.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call the transportation office at (330) 364-0622.

Estimadas Familias del Sur,

¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2023-2024!
¡Espero que todos hayan tenido un verano maravilloso! Estoy muy emocionada de dar la bienvenida a nuestros alumnos de segundo y tercer grado a South Elementary. ¡Nuestro personal está trabajando arduamente para prepararse para un año escolar emocionante! Nuestro primer día de clases será el martes 22 de agosto de 2023. Consulte los detalles que se enumeran a continuación con respecto al próximo año escolar:

Horario diario
La escuela está en sesión de 9:00 am a 3:45 pm. Las puertas de la primaria se abren a las 8:30 am y la campana de tardanza suena a las 9:15 am. Su hijo almorzará entre las 11:45 y las 12:45.

Portal para padres
El Portal para padres estará abierto y listo para completarse el miércoles 9 de agosto de 2023. Asegúrese de actualizar la cuenta de su hijo.Esta es la única forma en que podrá ver al maestro de su estudiante.  Si necesita ayuda con su cuenta, habrá una sesión de ayuda del Portal para Padres el lunes 14 de agosto en New Philadelphia High School de 10:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y de 5:30 p. m. a 6:30 p. m. Por favor ingrese por la puerta #1

Almuerzo gratis y reducido
Las familias que deseen solicitar almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido deben completar una solicitud. La solicitud se puede encontrar en el enlace Payschools en el sitio web del distrito en la pestaña de Padres. Si necesita una solicitud en papel, comuníquese con la oficina de nuestra escuela al 330-364-0725.

Noche de “Regreso a clases”
NuestroNoche de regreso a la escuela se llevara a caboLunes 21 de agosto de 17:30 a 18:30 hrs.  En la Noche de Regreso a la Escuela, las familias tendrán la oportunidad de recorrer el edificio, conocer a su maestro y dejar los útiles escolares.(Tenga en cuenta que el Portal para padres DEBE completarse antes de asistir a la Noche de regreso a la escuela)

Lista de útiles escolares
Consulte la página de South Elementary en el sitio web del distrito para obtener listas de útiles para este año escolar.

Transporte escolar/autobús
La Política de la Junta Escolar para los estudiantes que califican para el transporte escolar es la siguiente: Los estudiantes en los grados K-12 que residen con sus padres/tutores legales y viven a 1 milla o más califican para el transporte en autobús. Los estudiantes son transportados en autobús desde el edificio de su vecindario al edificio del nivel de grado apropiado. Si su hijo viajará en autobús al sur, DEBE estar en el edificio de su vecindario a las 8:30 am. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, llame a la oficina de transporte al (330) 364-0622.

South Elementary News
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Vaping Information from the ODH and the New Philadelphia CSD
State and local public health officials in Ohio and nationally are investigating reports of serious lung illnesses in individuals after vaping, many of them young people. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that these lung illnesses are all linked to vaping and likely associated with chemical exposure, but it is too early to pinpoint a single product or substance common to all cases.

The majority of these cases are youth and young adults. Almost all states have reported vaping-related lung injury cases, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting more than 2,000 cases nationally as well as a number of deaths.  

Vaping is a public health crisis among our youth.
Quality Profile 2018-19 Quality Profile & Annual Report
It is our pleasure to bring to you the District’s fourth annual Quality Profile, an accountability report designed to give our community a transparent view of our district’s strengths and areas of need.  This document is our opportunity to highlight what is not measured in the Ohio Department of Education Report Card: Our students, their experiences, our traditions, and your expectations.  2018-19 Quality Profile  Read More...
Crisis Text Line Information
Designing Our Schools' Future
The New Philadelphia City Schools is exploring opportunities to improve our facilities.  We invite you to join us on this exciting journey.  We need your input and guidance to help us plan for the next 50 years in our community’s education.  Through this process we will have different opportunities for you to hear about our current situation and for you to help design our schools' future!
Survey Needs Assessment Survey - Parents/Guardians
The school would like to provide programs that meet your student's needs.  Please be honest in your responses, as the results will help identify what types of programs and activities our school will focus on moving forward   

Click here to take the survey.   
New Philadelphia City Schools will provide all students the opportunity to achieve their highest potential to become educated, self-sufficient, and responsible citizens. We are committed to providing every student a diverse, quality education within a safe and secure environment through a dedicated, innovative and highly qualified staff in partnership with parents and the community-at-large.
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