English Learners
New Philadelphia City School District
TITLE III English Learner Program
Descriptive Report on Services for English Learners (ELs)
Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 (EEOA), public schools must ensure that EL students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs. In addition to the common civil rights with respect to EL student programs, Federal law also prohibits all forms of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and religious discrimination against EL students. For example, the district: Must enroll all students regardless of the students’ or their parents’ or guardians’ actual or perceived citizenship or immigration status; must protect students from discriminatory harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin (including EL status), sex, disability, or religion; Must not prohibit national origin-minority group students from speaking in their primary language during the school day without an educational justification; and Must not retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or in any way discriminate against any individual for bringing civil rights concerns to a school’s attention or for testifying or participating in any manner in a school, OCR, or DOJ investigation or proceeding.
This descriptive report of the district services for English Learners adheres to the joint guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that reminds schools of the legal obligations to ensure that EL students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs.
Identifying and Assessing All Potential EL Students
Providing Language Assistance to EL Students
Staffing and Supporting an EL Program
Providing Meaningful Access to All Curricular and Extracurricular Programs
Avoiding Unnecessary Segregation of EL Students
Evaluating EL Students for Special Education and Providing Dual Services
Meeting the Needs of Students Who Opt-Out of EL Programs or Particular Services
Monitoring and Exiting EL Students from EL Programs and Services
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a District’s EL Program
Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents
Identifying and Assessing All Potential EL Students
School districts must have procedures in place to accurately and timely identify potential EL students. Most school districts use a home language survey at the time of enrollment to gather information about a student’s language background and identify students whose primary or home language is other than English.
School districts must then determine if potential EL students are in fact EL through a valid and reliable test that assesses English language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing
Language Usage Survey
Every student who enters the school district completes a Language Usage Survey. The survey is included in the registration packet or the online registration system.. A designated staff member who has been trained in the procedures of administering the Language Usage Surveys is responsible to review the Language Usage Survey responses to determine the student’s primary language, home language, immigrant student status, and if the student needs a language screener to determine EL status. If a primary or home language other than English (PHLOTE) is stated on the survey, the staff member is to immediately contact the EL Coordinator who will arrange for the OELPS Screener to be administered within the first 30 days of the start of the school year or within two weeks of enrollment if after the beginning of the year. The OELPS is administered to determine English Proficiency in the domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This test determines if the student is an English learner and if they need special language assistance in order to effectively participate in the school’s instructional program. If a student scores with an overall proficient, the student is not identified as an English Learner.
The Language Usage Survey is given in a language understandable by the parent whenever possible. The district utilizes ODE’s translated Language Usage Surveys as applicable.
If a parent needs an interpreter to complete the enrollment papers, a bilingual staff member will be contacted to either 1) come at that time or 2) arrange another date and time to assist the family. The day we typically have registrations for our EL families is Wednesdays.
If a parent speaks a language other than the languages represented by the school district employees, or if an interpreter of the needed language cannot be found, the district will use an online interpreting service such as Propio.
Within 30 days of the start of the school year (or within two weeks of enrollment if not identified prior to the beginning of school) the parents will be notified of:
•Reason for child’s assessment;
•Child’s level of English proficiency and how assessed;
•Type of language assistance program and
• Permission for programming
Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS)
Within 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the year or within two weeks of enrollment, if not identified prior to the beginning of the year, a potential EL student must be assessed using the OELPS Screener. A designated staff member will administer the screener. These test results determine if the student is an English learner and the EL coordinator determines which language service options are available for the student. Students who score less than proficient in any domain are classified as EL and are provided services in the EL program by a qualified instructor. Students are not classified as EL if they receive an overall score of proficient. A letter is sent home to notify parents about test results and services.
Once the student is identified as EL, the student will be tested annually with the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA). The reading, writing, speaking, and listening portions of the test are administered by a designated staff member. All test administrators will be trained by a district administrator. This assessment will be used to determine the progress of EL student in conjunction with class performance, grades, achievement test scores, and teacher anecdotes. This test informs us where the student is making growth and where they need more scaffolds and what services are needed.
All data related to student testing will be kept electronically by the EL Coordinator. It will also be kept in the gold EL folders within the students’ cumulative files. The files will be updated by a designated staff member.
The EL Coordinator ensures that staff members are aware of students’ language proficiency levels, the scaffolds necessary to access the academic curriculum, and any permissible accommodations for EL students on state achievement tests.
Parent Notification
As soon as the student is identified as EL based on the OELPS Screener, parents are notified by a letter in a language understandable to them about the students’ program options as well as other school activities. If a student enrolls after the beginning of the year, parents are invited to visit the site and learn more about the program.
Student data is kept in the gold EL files within the cumulative folders. For example, initial test scores, OELPA test scores, achievement test accommodations, date of entry to U.S. schools, and monitor and exit information.
Providing Language Assistance to EL Students
EL students are entitled to appropriate language assistance services to become proficient in English and to participate equally in the standard instructional program within a reasonable period of time.
School districts can choose among programs designed for instructing EL students provided the program is educationally sound in theory and effective in practice.
Educational Theory and Approach
The goal for our school district is to enable students learning English to develop the linguistic, academic, cultural, and self-concept skills necessary for success in the schools and beyond in an atmosphere of rigor, yet understanding, cooperation, and support. In order to achieve this goal, we have adopted a combination of educational approaches: Pull-out English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, Individual Tutoring, In-Class or Inclusion Instruction, and/or the Immersion Approach.
The English as a Second Language program is an educational approach in which formally identified English learners are directly instructed in the use of the English language in pull-out sessions. Instruction is based on a special curriculum utilizing the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards and is taught by a certified TESOL teacher &/or a trained EL instructor who is under the guidance of the district TESOL staff member. The students are taught in English and the native language is only used to increase comprehension of new concepts being taught if the instructor is capable or there are like-language speakers in the setting.
Based on the needs of students, individual tutoring/small group tutoring is available to provide extra-linguistic and academic supports for the EL student. This service is provided by para-professional staff, intervention specialists, and/or bilingual aides based on the individual students’ areas of need.
In addition to EL students receiving ESL instruction, the classroom teacher should use a sheltered instruction approach which provides in-class support for students to make academic instruction in English understandable. Students in these classes are “sheltered” in that they do not compete academically with native English speakers in the classroom setting. The grade-level subject matter is introduced in a way that can be understood by the EL students. The teacher adapts the language of instruction to the English level of the students. Also, the teacher makes frequent use of visual aids, concrete experiences, and manipulative materials. In this approach, students have the opportunity to develop the oral and written language skills they need to make academic progress in content areas such as mathematics, social studies, and science. These classroom teachers will be trained in language acquisition and with evidence-based classroom practices such as the SIOP model, a research-based methodology that combines language and content objectives. If needed, a bilingual aide, paraprofessional, or intervention specialist will be assigned to the class to assist the classroom teacher in helping the English Learners.
For the schools with a larger number of ELs in a given grade level, the Immersion Approach is utilized in that the TESOL teacher instructs a class of all ELs. The focus is on teaching subject matter. Although the students are taught in English, no formal attempt is made to teach the language as an end in itself. The subject matter is introduced in a way that can be understood by the LEP students. The teacher adapts the language of instruction to the level of the students' linguistic and cognitive capabilities. Also, the teacher makes frequent use of visual aids, concrete experiences, and manipulative materials. In this approach, students have the opportunity to develop the oral and written language skills they need to make academic progress.
All K-12 EL students who are at the Trial/Mainstream (combination of 4s & 5s with one 3) level will continue to receive services by the TESOL Instructor or EL tutor in the domain they scored a three. The type of services will be determined on a case-by-case situation. Their progress will be tracked by: teacher anecdotes, grades, benchmark assessments, and achievement test scores.
All K-12 EL students who are at the overall proficient (3) level will be exited from EL status. Their progress will continue to be monitored for a minimum of two years utilizing the district monitor form that includes: teacher anecdotes, grades, benchmark assessments, and achievement test scores.
All English learners’ classroom and content teachers are expected to focus on teaching subject matter in English in a way that can be understood by the EL students. The teacher adapts the language of instruction to the level of the students’ linguistic and cognitive capabilities, using visual aids, concrete experiences, and manipulatives. The teacher makes modifications, scaffolds, and accommodations appropriate to the student's proficiency level and previous educational experiences.
Grade placement decisions for newly-enrolled English Language Learners
Regarding grade placement of newly enrolled English learners (ELs), grade decisions are made based on the district's evaluation of the student's academic records and also taking into account the students' age. Students learning English as a new language should be placed in a grade as close as possible to their age peers. It is important for students to be placed with age peers to meet their socialization needs. The goal should be to place the student in a grade level that is appropriate for his or her age level and then provide the additional support needed to address the student's English language acquisition needs.
Grades and classroom success must be monitored by the EL instructor and the district coordinator. EL students are entitled to appropriate scaffolds in content courses and appropriate grading to the extent that they can be successful. If failing grades are given, documentation should be provided proving that the language proficiency is not the cause. Students cannot fail based solely on language proficiency.
Grade retention of English Learners
If an EL student is retained solely on the basis of his/her lack of English proficiency, such retention would be discriminatory (based on Lau v. Nichols) because, in effect, the EL student would be retained for not having adequate prior exposure to English. So, to justify the retention of an EL student, the decision team needs to give evidence that 1) the student has been provided with an educationally sound English language support program, and 2) the student is being retained for reasons other than lack of English proficiency (for example, if the student did not meet grade-level standards due to poor attendance, lack of effort, or poor study habits).
Here are some questions that need to be answered before deciding to retain an EL student:
Was the district retention policy that considers different factors that may impact students' academic progress reviewed? NPCS uses the Light’s Retention Scale to help make decisions regarding retention.
Is the reason for retaining the student other than the student's lack of English proficiency?
Has the student been given meaningful access to the district's academic program through effective language support strategies based on sound theory and widely accepted practices?
Has the student been given academic performance-based assessments that are based on the student's level of English proficiency, and that take into consideration the instructional strategies used to give the student meaningful access to the academic content?
Is the student making less progress than what would be expected of students with similar language background and academic experiences?
If the answer to all the above questions is "yes," then retention can be considered as a possible option for helping the student achieve English proficiency and make academic progress. The district will ensure that in whichever grade the student is placed, an appropriate, comprehensive, and research-based language support program is provided.
Third Grade Guarantee and Retention of English Learners
An English Learner may be exempt from third-grade retention if:
A student who is an English learner enrolled in U.S. schools for fewer than three full school years and with fewer than three years of instruction in an English as a second language program;
EL services must be delivered during the regular school day, although supplemental support may include tutorials after school or summer school programs.
Beginner or intermediate level EL students must be provided daily services, or as often as possible.
EL students are provided facilities comparable to those provided to the overall student population.
The quantity and quality of instructional materials are adequate to fully implement the district’s EL program. Supplementary resources and aides to instruction are encouraged to help make English language content comprehensible while concurrently building the student’s English language proficiency. Aids to instruction take into consideration ELs’ levels of proficiency and knowledge in their first language.
English Language Proficiency Standards
All English learners in the district’s EL program will be taught from the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards in order to develop English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are used in grade-appropriate academic settings; used in age-appropriate social settings; and appropriate for American social and cultural contexts.
Placement and Participation in EL Program
All English Learners will have the opportunity for meaningful participation in the district’s educational programs and standards-based instruction offered to all students. In addition, the ELs must have English language services.
The following guidelines are used in determining instructional EL services:
PreK-12 Options
(1) Emergent
- Pull-out English language development
- In-class supports
- Individual Tutoring
- Immersion Class
(2) Progressing
- Pull-out English language development
- In-class supports
- Individual Tutoring
(3) Proficient
- Exit EL status. Students will be monitored for a minimum of 2 years.
Staffing and Supporting an EL Program
EL students are entitled to EL programs with sufficient resources to ensure the programs are effectively implemented, including highly qualified teachers, support staff, and appropriate instructional materials.
School districts must have qualified EL teachers, staff, and administrators to effectively implement their EL program, and must provide supplemental training when necessary.
Our district adheres to ODE’s guidance found in the document: . Our district ensures teachers have the qualifications necessary to implement the required language instruction educational programs that provide English learners with language development instruction and equitable access to academic content (Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015).
Educational aides and paraprofessionals are not qualified to implement language instruction educational programs (Office for Civil Rights, 2015). An educational aide or paraprofessional may provide instructional support in a language instruction educational program under the direct supervision of a properly licensed teacher.
Our district EL program is supported by the following staff members:
A certified teacher with a TESOL endorsement, or a certified teacher pursuing the additional endorsement, and/or
An educational assistant (tutor) under the supervision of EL Coordinator.
Classroom/content teachers must make modifications, scaffolds, and accommodations in order to make content comprehensible. Consortium Consultant will assist teachers through professional development activities and/or coaching/planning activities.
Responsibilities of Personnel
Title III Coordinator, EL Consultant
Recommends, implements, and maintains program policies, procedures, schedules, and budgets.
Ascertains that the goals and requirements of the program are met.
Supervises system-wide Language Usage Surveys.
Monitors the progress of exited students.
Coordinates EL services with all other departments of the school system.
Plans staff development activities.
Meets regularly with program staff and other school system administrators.
Oversees the preparation and dissemination of program communications.
Ensures student enrollment forms, including the Language Usage Survey, are completed for each student enrolling in the school and are filed in the EL cumulative folder.
Informs the EL teacher serving the school of new arrivals.
Informs the mainstream teacher if the student is identified as EL.
Provides the teacher with a copy or a link to the English Language Learner Program description and the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards.
Provides contact information of all teachers working with EL students to the District Coordinator.
Provides appropriate/comparable space for EL instruction.
Ensures that EL students are provided appropriate language development services.
Ensures that classroom teachers are providing appropriate scaffolds for EL students to access the academic curriculum.
Provides proper quiet space for EL testing accommodations.
EL Instructor
Enforces policies and regulations as established by the district.
Creates and maintains an instructional climate that is conducive to learning.
Assists with the identification of EL students with the OELPS Screener.
Plans and implements EL instruction based on diagnosed needs of each individual student.
Evaluates student performance in the EL class and provides classroom teachers with input regarding progress.
Maintains records on each student attending the EL class.
Attends professional development for increasing knowledge of EL strategies and methodology.
Administers the state-mandated Ohio English Proficiency Assessment (OELPA)
Assists staff with EL intervention and instructional strategies.
Communicates with parents on a regular basis.
Assists content teachers with parent conferences of students, if available.
Regular Education Teacher
Communicates closely with the EL instructor regarding the English learners’ progress and class assignments.
Provides the EL instructor required information for completing reports to state and federal agencies.
Participates in staff development opportunities to increase understanding of English Learner needs and to learn effective EL strategies.
Modifies lesson delivery, assignments, homework, and assessments appropriate to the student’s language proficiency.
Completes monitor forms for students in the classroom who are being monitored.
Providing Meaningful Access to All Curricular and Extracurricular Programs
EL students must have access to their grade-level curricula so that they can meet promotion and graduation requirements.
EL students are entitled to an equal opportunity to participate in all programs, including pre-kindergarten, magnet, gifted and talented, career and technical education, arts, and athletics programs; Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses; clubs; and honor societies.
To be able to participate equally and meaningfully in instructional programs, EL students have to acquire English proficiency and recoup any deficits that they may incur in other areas of the curriculum as a result of spending extra time on language development. Meaningful access to the core curriculum (e.g. reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies) is a key component in ensuring that ELs acquire the tools to succeed in general education classrooms within a reasonable length of time. The district ensures that systems are in place for the students to dually participate in English language development and the core curriculum.
Instruction in the core curriculum should be adapted to ensure meaningful participation. Teachers must assess each student’s academic and language development needs and tailor their instruction accordingly. All ELs will be given the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do in academic content areas through a variety of assessments designed with appropriate accommodations. Accommodations will take into consideration the students’ level of English proficiency and the instructional strategies used to help give them meaningful access to the academic content.
The English Languages services are age-appropriate and of equal rigor as non-EL instruction. Placing ELs in age-appropriate grade levels provides meaningful access to programs designed to help ELs meet grade-level standards. ELs in high school, like their never-EL peers, should also have the opportunity to meet the graduation standards and to be competitive in meeting college and career readiness requirements.
If students develop academic gaps while focusing on English language acquisition, the district will provide compensatory and supplemental services to remedy those gaps. Decisions regarding the promotion of ELs to the subsequent grade level will not be based solely on the students’ level of English proficiency or the academic gaps developed while acquiring proficiency in the English language.
Students are provided equal opportunities to activities offered to the overall student population and to participate meaningfully in “all programs and activities . . . whether curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular. Such programs and activities include preschool programs, magnet programs, career, and technical education programs, counseling services, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses, gifted and talented programs, online and distance learning opportunities, performing and visual arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities such as clubs and honor societies. EL students have an opportunity to participate in district special programs.
Avoiding Unnecessary Segregation of EL Students
School districts generally may not segregate students on the basis of national origin or EL status. Although certain EL programs may be designed to require that EL students receive separate instruction for a limited portion of the day or period of time, school districts and states are expected to carry out their chosen program in the least segregative manner consistent with achieving the program’s stated educational goals.
The district EL program may not segregate students on the basis of national origin or EL status. EL students are not segregated from their English-speaking peers except as necessary to implement the EL program. While the program may require that EL students receive separate instruction for a limited period of time, the district shall carry out the program in the least segregative manner consistent with achieving the program’s stated educational goals. The district program will ensure the program does not interfere with integrated nonacademic subjects, lunchtime, and recess with non-EL students. The district will encourage newcomer EL students to participate in integrated after-school activities.
The district will not retain EL students in EL programs for periods longer or shorter than required by each student’s level of English proficiency, time and progress in the EL program, and the stated goals of the program
At the high school level, a sheltered classroom approach is utilized for our newcomers in both ninth and tenth grades. In grades 4-8, students will also have involvement in a newcomer program.
Evaluating EL Students for Special Education and Providing Dual Services
EL students with disabilities must be provided both the language assistance and disability-related services to which they are entitled under Federal law.
EL students who may have a disability, like all other students who may have a disability and may require services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, must be located, identified, and evaluated for special education and disability-related services in a timely manner.
To avoid inappropriately identifying EL students as students with disabilities because of their limited English proficiency, EL students must be evaluated in an appropriate language based on the student’s needs and language skills.
To ensure that an individualized plan for providing special education or disability-related services addresses the language-related needs of an EL student with a disability, it is important that the team designing the plan include participants knowledgeable about that student’s language needs.
The district ensures that all EL students who may have a disability, like all other students who may have a disability and need services under IDEA or Section 504, are located, identified, and evaluated for special education and disability-related services in a timely manner. When conducting such evaluations, school districts must consider the English language proficiency of EL students in determining the appropriate assessments and other evaluation materials to be used. The district will not identify or determine that EL students are students with disabilities because of their limited English language proficiency.
The district will provide EL students with disabilities with both the language assistance and disability-related services to which they are entitled under Federal law. The district will inform a parent of an EL student with an individualized education program (IEP) how the language instruction education program meets the objectives of the child’s IEP. If a parent of an EL student with a disability declines disability-related services under the IDEA OR SECTION 504, that student with a disability remains entitled to all EL rights and services in the district. All communications with the parent must be communicated in a language they can understand.
The district will apply culturally and linguistically necessary considerations when determining whether an EL student has a disability by following ODE’s Guidelines for Referral and Identification of English Learners with Disabilities.
Meeting the Needs of Students Who Opt-Out of EL Programs or Particular Services
All EL students are entitled to services. Parents may, however, choose to opt their children out of a school district’s EL program or out of particular EL services within an EL program.
School districts may not recommend that parents opt-out for any reason. Parents are entitled to guidance in a language that they can understand about their child’s rights, the range of EL services that their child could receive, and the benefits of such services. School districts should appropriately document that the parent made a voluntary, informed decision to opt their child out.
A school district must still take steps to provide opted-out EL students with access to its educational programs, monitor their progress, and offer EL services again if a student is struggling.
Under Title VI and the EEOA, a parent’s decision to opt-out of a program for ELs must be knowing and voluntary, and the district may not recommend that parents decline all or some services within a program for ELs for any reason. The district will provide guidance in a language parents can understand to ensure that parents understand their child’s rights, the range of EL services that their child could receive, and the benefits of such services before voluntarily waiving them. The district must document the meeting with parents in writing and get the parent's signature annually.
If parents opt their children out of the EL program or specific EL services, the children retain their status as EL students, and the school district remains obligated to take the “affirmative steps” required by Title VI and the “appropriate action” required by the EEOA to provide these EL students access to its educational programs. The English language and other academic needs of such an EL student must still be met. To ensure the needs of the opt-out EL students are being met, the district will monitor the progress of the students.
If an EL student who opted out of the school district’s EL programs or services does not demonstrate appropriate growth in English proficiency or struggles in one or more subjects due to language barriers, the school district’s affirmative steps include informing the EL student’s parents of his or her lack of progress and offering the parents further opportunities to enroll the student in the EL program or at least certain EL services at any time.
If the district’s monitoring of the opt-out EL student shows the student is struggling but the parent continues to decline the EL program or services, the district will take affirmative and appropriate steps to meet its civil rights obligations.
In addition, the ESEA requires that the district still must assess all ELs using the annual English language proficiency assessment OELPA, including those students whose parents have declined to enroll them in, or had them removed from the district EL program. All ELs enrolled in schools served by the State must be assessed annually using the State’s English language proficiency assessment.
Monitoring and Exiting EL Students from EL Programs and Services
School districts must monitor the progress of all EL students to ensure they achieve English language proficiency and acquire content knowledge within a reasonable period of time.
An EL student must not be exited from EL programs, services, or status until he or she demonstrates English proficiency on an ELP assessment in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
School districts must monitor the academic progress of former EL students for at least two years to ensure that students have not been prematurely exited; any academic deficits they incurred resulting from the EL program have been remedied, and they are meaningfully participating in the district’s educational programs comparable to their peers who were never EL students (never-EL peers).
The district monitors the progress of all of their EL students in achieving English language proficiency and acquiring content knowledge. Monitoring ensures that EL students are making appropriate progress with respect to acquiring English and content knowledge while in the EL program or, in the case of opted-out EL students, in the regular educational setting.
The district monitors EL students’ acquisition of content knowledge by analyzing district assessments and state assessments in the content areas. The district monitors EL students’ acquisition of language proficiency by analyzing the OELPA data.
Exit Criteria
The district adheres to the exit criteria established by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce:
Students identified as “Proficient” as defined above in grades K-12 are eligible to exit the English Learner program.
Transition from EL Program Services
When a student achieves an overall “Proficient (3)” score on the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) the student is exited from LEP status in EMIS with a code of “N”. The student will be monitored for a minimum of two years and no longer be enrolled in the EL program. Monitoring consists of collecting and analyzing data of the student’s grades, teacher observations, benchmark assessments, and state achievement test scores. The data is to be analyzed each grading period, to determine the success of the student. If the student is not successful, additional support is provided as needed.
During the monitoring period, if the student is struggling, the student will receive the appropriate supports to meet success. If it is determined that a persistent language barrier may be the cause of the academic difficulty because general education and remediation services have proven inadequate, the student will have the right to be re-assessed to determine if there is a persistent language barrier. The district will offer additional language assistance services where needed to meet the student's needs. If the results of the re-testing qualify the student as EL, the district will reenter the student into EL status and offer EL services. If the student is reentered into EL services, the district will have the parents sign a consent to reentry that documents the basis for the reentry.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a District’s EL Program
EL programs must be reasonably calculated to enable EL students to attain English proficiency and meaningful participation in the standard educational program comparable to their never-EL peers.
School districts must monitor and compare, over time, the academic performance of EL students in the program and those who exited the program, relative to that of their never-EL peers.
School districts must evaluate EL programs over time using accurate data to assess the educational performance of current and former EL students in a comprehensive and reliable way, and must timely modify their programs when needed.
The goal of the district language assistance program is to provide effective approaches and methodologies for teaching ELs, to increase the English proficiency of ELs, and to meet the state’s challenging academic standards. The district will analyze data to determine whether the program is effective in that the district is meeting these goals.
The district will consider the following factors of the program:
It is driven by data on the unique needs of ELs, including distinct subgroups of ELs, and responsive to student performance data as part of continuous improvement;
It is aligned with local needs identified through timely and meaningful consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and examination of relevant data;
It is based on rigorous, relevant research on what instructional approaches are proven effective for promoting English language proficiency and high academic achievement
It is examined through performance monitoring, and if appropriate, evaluation, in order to make changes to improve program implementation and effectiveness; and
It is included as part of a systemic approach to serving ELs, based on a State’s English language proficiency standards and its academic content standards.
The district utilizes the following tool to monitor student progress and evaluate the effectiveness of our EL program: Program Evaluation
The program and practices by the district need to be reasonably calculated to effectively implement the district educational theory and program. The program will be considered successful if it produces results, after a legitimate trial, indicating that a students’ language barriers are actually being overcome within a reasonable period of time.
Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents
LEP parents are entitled to meaningful communication in a language they can understand, such as through translated materials or a language interpreter, and to adequate notice of the information about any program, service, or activity that is called to the attention of non-LEP parents.
For more information about the civil rights of LEP parents and guardians and districts’ specific obligations to parents of EL students, visit FACT SHEET
The district will take reasonable steps to ensure that families with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in our services, activities, and other programs. To ensure meaningful communication with LEP families, our district will provide interpretation services to clients and their families free of charge. Our district will ensure that vital written documents are meaningfully translated, cognizant of the expected reading level of the LEP parents.
We understand that some parents may need language assistance even if their children have exited EL status. We will utilize the information provided in question 1 of the Language Usage Survey to determine if an interpreter is needed. A parent’s assertion that s/he needs language assistance will suffice without further corroboration.
All parents will be notified of the availability of free and effective language assistance with respect to school programs and activities.
All district buildings will keep a centralized list of parents who need an interpreter in the front office, easily accessible for staff in case of a school emergency. This list will be updated on a regular basis and will follow the child as h/she moves to different buildings.
Staff will be made aware of parents’ need for language assistance and the means by which the services can be obtained in a timely manner, including qualified translators and interpreters as needed.
Annually, staff will be notified that the use of family members or friends for language assistance is not acceptable.
The district has an account set up with Propio, interpreting and translating service to utilize when the family language need differs from staff members.